The Art of Receiving: Why It's Equal to Giving
20 Jun 24

In the perpetual quest for self-improvement, we often focus only on what we're giving - giving our all, giving back, being of service.
You already know how good it feels to give. That warm glow you feel when you volunteer, donate to a meaningful cause, or simply pay the coffee order for the person behind you in line. Giving is an energy exchange that opens your heart and allows you to put a little more light and positive vibes out into the world.
You feel good, having spread some joy….but have you considered your reaction, when you’re on the receiving end of any gesture?
True growth also requires the art of receiving without guilt or resistance or embarrassment. An open heart and mind lets in fresh insights, opportunities and universal guidance to flow into our lives.
Because, as much as we praise the virtues of generosity, I believe that the ability to openly receive is just as profound a spiritual practice.
From an early age, we're conditioned that it's better to give than to receive. Culturally, it is perceived that givers are somewhat superior people, more likable, imbued with “nicer” human characteristics - modesty, generosity, self effacement. We learn that being on the receiving end (other than on designated holidays and celebrations) means being a "taker" - greedy, entitled, selfish.
Let’s get practical. How do you respond to a compliment on your behavior? Or, a genuine, heart-felt compliment on how you are looking? Or a random act of kindness? With embarrassment? A feeling of discomfort to have had the spotlight shine on you and be noticed by others? Do you shrug it off and say “Oh, this is a really old outfit” or “It was nothing special, anyone could have done that” or “Oh no, I don't need that!”?
The truth is, receiving is just the other half of the virtuous cycle of giving and getting.When you shut off the natural inbound flow, you cut yourself off from universal abundance. Saying "No thanks, I'm good," is really just pushing away the gifts the universe wants to bestow upon you. Blessings, love, miracles, genuine giving friendships - they can't land in your life if you shy away from compliments or if your arms are perpetually crossed.
Learning to receive with graciousness is a skill, just like giving freely from the heart is a skill. It requires being radically open, maybe even, uncomfortably vulnerable at first. It means accepting compliments instead of brushing them off. It's allowing others to treat you, pick up the bill or shower you in acts of service, without you feeling the need to immediately reciprocate or insist on splitting everything 50/50.
Most of all, mastering the art of receiving requires getting real with yourself about all the endless abundance, love, joy, and wisdom the universe is attempting to beam into your life at all times. Stop denying it, quit blocking it out, and simply let yourself become an open vessel to receive it all.
The most enlightened spiritual masters don't just give endlessly - they graciously allow the universe's generosity to flow both ways. They understand that to be a superlative giver, you must also be an unflinching receiver able to accept the abundance coming back to you. Believing also, that the reverse side of giving is that receiving that does flow back to you. It’s the yin and yang of the universe or karma, if you like to see it in that manner.
When you finally embrace your willingness to receive, you remove a crucial blockage holding you back from becoming a true beacon of light. Your capacity to give unconditionally expands tenfold when you gratefully receive without judgment, hesitation or limiting beliefs about your own unworthiness.
SO HOW DO YOU LEARN THIS ART?Start getting cozy with receiving today. Let in the compliments, accept the gestures, say “Yes” to the invitations and open-handed offers. And most importantly, prepare to receive the universe's infinite ebb and flow of blessings for the radiant giver and receiver you're becoming.As part of a number of my personal growth programs available on this website and my support for people undergoing self-transformative processes and their commitment to continual learning and growth, and investing in their personal evolution, many of these courses include modules on how to manage the art of graceful receiving.I love you!
And remember…
You Absolutely Can Have It All!
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Regan x
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