Invest In Yourself...But When?
03 Jun 22

What Sort of Investment and When?
So often, I am asked by my clients and my followers when is the ‘right time’ to invest in yourself, your business and your vision?
They ask….. “At what level of earnings should I consider that it is the ‘right’ time to make an investment in my personal development? And, if I am going to invest in myself and my business...where is the best place to place that investment…. for the greatest impact?”
I’m Learning and Growing Every Day...?
Plus, they also ask…” Do I need to invest in myself given that I am living and breathing my business each and every day and learning at every turn, surely, that is education and upskilling in itself?”
It’s Always The ‘Right’ Time...
From my experience of building an eight-figure, global business, my advice is always that, yes, investment in your personal and professional growth is an actual necessity and that organic growth via osmosis whilst valuable, is not a substitute for the input of external thought leadership and enlightened mentorship.
And, the ‘right’ time is …..Now!
Invest Before You are Ready
And, also in my opinion, you should commence the upskilling, learning and growing phase of your professional development before you are actually ready. If you wait for all your stars to be in alignment, if you wait for the universe to send you a sign that you are ready…...then you will never achieve that will wait forever.
I have always invested in my personal and professional growth usually before I felt ‘ready’. I have contacted mentors and coaches, attended masterminds, VIP one on one days, personal upskilling immersions, team building courses and business tips...long before my earnings were in that same league as the others attending. And, I have never once felt I was ‘ready’.
Have Your Eyes Opened.
Why did I attend seminars and education that was out of my league? Because, each and every course that I have signed up for and attended has stretched me, grown me and opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential sitting right in front of me. The potential that my business could become.
Essentially, I have done whatever it takes to make these opportunities for my personal and professional growth happen.
The Additional Bonus...
…...of stretching to invest in both myself and my business before being completely ready was that I was introduced to an array of exceptional, creative, motivated and extraordinarily smart entrepreneurial individuals. And, the other aspect of these actions was that I was amazed with how many of these talented individuals were prepared to give of their time and expertise to assist me above and beyond the confines of the course that I had attended.
I was able to network with many of them, some even paid me the compliment of taking an interest in my career and nurtured me on my professional pathway, there is no doubt that this has assisted in defining my business growth.
If I was waiting to feel ‘ready’ these opportunities may not ever have occurred. As an outcome of this interest, I have been fortunate to combine with many of these superstars and provide products that offer my client base and theirs, a unique combination and synergy of personal development and commercial opportunities. It has meant that I have been able to coach, mentor and nurture my own clients at a greater level than before.
So….Take The Plunge Now and Make It Happen...
However, do not expect that because you have purchased the ‘knowledge’ and attended the course and had the ‘words’ from the mentor, that it will instantly work it’s magic, then and there.
The passage to learning is dependent upon your complete immersion, your follow up and your dedication to taking the knowledge, the concept, the mentorship and carving out your own pathway.
And remember…