If You Are Working Hard And Getting Nowhere
30 Nov 20

Working Hard….Getting Nowhere?
When I’m coaching my clients, one of the first things that I tell them is that their goals must be a reflection of their true purpose.
Sometimes, I get really quizzical looks in return. True purpose?
Many of them say “I’m not really sure what my true purpose is right now..” Or “I’ll carry on and I’m sure that, if I work hard, my true purpose will be revealed to me...eventually..”
The upshot of these responses is that these people will end up working harder and harder and eventually realise that they will be getting nowhere. They’ll be doing more and more, each day in the belief that it is the hard work alone that will carry them to where they want to be...and when they are ‘there’ wherever ‘there’ is, that they will realise exactly what it is that they want.
What is Stopping and Blocking You?
Personally, I believe that this is all back to front and upside down. We are conditioned from a young age that if we are working hard and are really, really busy….that this will lead to success..it is the old familiar ‘work ethic’ that pervades our western society. Actually, this idea is, in reality, stopping you and blocking you from truly achieving the success you desire.
Are You Moving Forward?
Ask yourself…are you moving forward to reaching your goals or are you just spinning your wheels? The biggest step towards success is taking…..massive, aligned action.
Massive, aligned action is the key to you tapping into your vision, your purpose and your goals.
Currently, alignment is a buzz-word, it is being thrown around in almost every work niche today. And, there are all these people saying “I want to live in alignment” without understanding exactly what the term means. You must consider what it actually is that you are aligning to….
The Steps...
This is Step One: Actually asking yourself..”What am I actually aligning to..?” What is your vision that you unapologetically desire to manifest in your life? Then sit down and write up whatever comes through, that is true to you.
The second step is when you actively work towards becoming this version of yourself that can truly align to this vision. How does this version of you walk? Talk? How do you think? Act? What do you choose and what do you say “Yes” to and what do you say “No” to?
Then, the third piece is when you actually take aligned action.
Alignment Isn't About…
Sitting on the couch hoping and praying that everything’s going to work out….and that your vision is going to show up. It is about doing...but it is about aligned doing. And not just busy work.
So ask yourself, “What can I do now, in order to take aligned action towards my vision?”
Remember this…..one step of aligned action is so much more powerful than 30 steps of mis-aligned action in the wrong direction….
And remember...
You Absolutely Can Have it all
...and you can give back as well.