How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand

Regan Hillyer

10 Jul 18

How To Build A Powerful Personal Brand

It’s interesting....

I see people ALL the time focusing on soooo many things with regards to launching or growing their personal brand – when it’s CLEAR they have it all backwards.

Here’s the thing about developing, launching, and growing your brand...

your mindset is a non-negotiable and absolute number ONE priority.

Over everything.

Sure, there are important elements at play…

For instance, whatever you desire to create (whether business, brand or both), you have to be passionate about creating. There is no plan B. TRULY successful people realize that you don’t necessarily need to become desensitized to life and all of the fun and wonder and rapture life holds for us.

Know this:

The bigger the game you choose to play in life, the more fear and self-doubt and self-sabotage show up.

Your secret weapon is your mindset conditioning.

If you want to kick fear and self-doubt in the ass, then you HAVE to condition your mindset to succeed.

Plain and simple – you must create the right thoughts that shape your actions every day.

Now, let me hit on POTENTIAL.

I’ve often wondered: what stops people from taking massive action in their lives?

I believe the one thing people don’t realize is their own potential. A lot of people choose to play small, because they don’t realize the potential that’s within them. I walk down the street and I see the potential within people to be truly great, and it amazes me that they don’t necessarily see that in themselves!

In order to create a powerful personal brand, you have to choose not to play small and realize how powerful you really are.

Realize that you are the master of your reality, and you are responsible for everything showing up in your life.

You always have something special to offer to the world.

So how do you build your powerful personal brand?

So now that the fundamentals are in order, let’s talk about how to build your powerful personal brand:

Develop your core message

The first thing you need to do is figure out what your core message is. What do you want to share with the world?

What is your true message? Who are you, to the core?

Even if you’re sitting there thinking you don’t have a message — you do. You are here for a reason – a bigger purpose. I promise you. It may take some work, but you can absolutely figure out what is inside you and what you burn to bring to the world.

When I started, I had to dig really deep, ask myself–Regan, what is your passion?

I had to do the mindset work, and when I did, I realized I wasn’t truly listening to my own message. Ultimately, I realized I was a little bit afraid to stand there as just ME, as a personal brand, without trying to hide behind other brands or companies.

It takes guts to stand out there on your own.

But when I got clear inside my mind, everything accelerated. I launched my own personal brand, stood there unapologetically in front of people, and said This is my message, This is why I’m here, This is what I want to do: Take it or leave it.

This is why I want to help you do the same.

Launch your brand

You can have the most powerful, inspiring message in the world, but if no one actually sees or hears that message then you might as well just sit in your room and shout about it to yourself! You’re not going to create an impact.

Ultimately, visibility is everything.

But it starts within. If you’re not aligned to function into a certain level of visibility, it’s not going to manifest for you.

What do I mean?

Everything’s created from within and shows up externally in your life.

So ask yourself:

Who do I need to become in order to step into that level of visibility?

What does that person look and feel like?

How would I be showing up daily if I were the person I know I can become, the person who has that success?

What would I be doing right now in order to accelerate to that future success? How would that impact every area of my life–my relationships, my health?

How would I be different than I am NOW?

Do the internal work to align for the visibility you seek. Then show up on all the platforms online and in person—any opportunity that comes your way. Make sure you’re getting in front of people and share your message.

The key thing people miss is this:

If you’re not creating an offer and a solution to actually solve people’s problems, you’re not going to monetize your message.

You can have a killer Instagram with a massive following, but if you aren’t offering anything to your tribe, you aren’t giving them the opportunity to invest in you. This is another trap people fall into. You have to offer solutions for your tribe’s problems.

There are so many different ways to reach people and have an impact–coaching, speaking, leading courses, writing books. Once you’re visible and out there, if you lock in the big vision and the ultimate goals, sometimes things show up in an unexpected way.

Lots of cool opportunities come to you. Sponsorships, interviews, larger audiences.

But only after you align yourself with your highest goals. It starts from within.

Accelerate and scale

Once you’ve launched your brand, created impact, and actually monetized your message, now you have to accelerate.

Take everything that’s working and figure out how to scale it to the next level.

Figure out what’s working and what’s not working.

How do you grow and up-level your impact so you can grow to the next level? The biggest thing is that people get stuck in a place of thinking they need to do what’s expected of them versus doing what they actually want to do.

I work with a lot of successful, really brilliant people. Sometimes they worry and say, Yeah, but I’ve been doing it this way for ages. If I start talking about going within and creating impact based on my highest values, what will people say?

Look, this is when your mindset conditioning is key. This is when you recognize that fear is talking to you. You have to move past the self-doubt. Get past the questions. Get past the fear.

You have to back yourself.

Make the actual choice that you are going to build a soul business and share your true message, and it’s going to be unapologetic and in a way that fills you up every day.

I truly believe when you come from that space, you will attract the people who want to hear from you. If you do this, your tribe will come to you. People will hear the transformational result that you’re creating for them.

Remember–You have something to say and your tribe wants to hear it!

Acceleration happens when you come back to your core message, show up daily, unapologetically, and put incredible value and content out into the world. When you trust and know it’s going to be received and that people will show up to hear you.

Ultimately if you get into a place of personal alignment, YOU are your brand.

You are your message.

And look, I would be so lost without my team.

I’m the leader that effectively sets the vision and expectations, and I inspect that everything moves forward daily.

But I don’t go at it alone. I know if I want to run a marathon, I wouldn’t just go off and start slogging away. I’d ask friends who run for advice, hire a trainer, look to every area of my life for any roadblocks I may have that might keep me from being the best runner I can be.

If you want to take your brand to the next level, hire a personal coach, go to a retreat, get out there and meet people with the same passion as you, and I promise opportunities will come your way.

Your personal brand is just an extension of you being you. That’s the really cool thing—

When you tap into your core values, you don’t have to think of whether you’re doing things right, or whether your marketing is in the right balance.

You’re just being you, showing up, and creating value for your tribe. Do this consistently, set non-negotiable goals each day, and ask for help when you need it!

You have so much greatness within you.

If you choose to stop playing small, and really start to focus on your bigger vision, then through every area of your life...

You Absolutely Can Have it all

Regan x

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