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Full Descriptions
Do you yearn to write a book? To set down your story and free the creativity that you know is just waiting there to be unleashed on the world?
Unleash your creativity and share your story with the world. Overcome common writing pitfalls and bring your book to life quickly. Don’t doubt your worth and let go of self-sabotage.
Craft your genre-defining book in just 90 days with Have It All Publishing’s UNLEASH Program. Created by renowned author Regan Hillyer, this step-by-step plan incorporates her learnings as a multi-published author to guide new writers in crafting a publishable book.
Unleash is a 90-day program that takes new writers on a step-by-step journey to craft a publishable book. It provides both internal upgrades and external strategies to ensure a swift and seamless process. Guided by renowned author Regan, the online program helps writers develop their skills and create a coherent and methodical text. Benefit from Regan’s experience and expertise in crafting acclaimed bestsellers, with the program offering learning, creating, self-checking, and evaluation phases for confident progress.
And then, you have the opportunity to join the ever-growing Have It All Publishing troupe of published, #1 Best Selling authors, some of whom have progressed to their second books.
An exploration of exactly what you want to achieve from the writing process and what your message is that you wish to convey. Nailing the basis of your core idea and understanding the exact reasons for writing your book. Identifying your niche audience. Establishing the best time of day for you to write.
A step by step guide to actually laying down the framework of your book. An investigation and understanding of the processes that Regan actually uses to script her books – fast.
How to create a writing plan and set expectations around the writing process by setting specific goals. Learn Regan’s processes around how to create deadlines and set objectives. How to create a coherent book outline and how to produce successful and realisable brainstorming.
Assessing how best to relate your personal stories and review whether you are meeting your expectations and objectives as devised in your draft and unlock your genius to have clarity around the process.
Everyone at some stage in the writing process gets stalled and this phase is often where even the best writers drop out of the creative process. Learn to overcome writer’s block by using Regan’s proven methods and systems to beat writer’s block and move forward with confidence.
An evaluation of where you see yourself in the writing process. Learn about Regan’s tips and tricks to overcome self sabotage and the imposter syndrome and to define exactly what sort of author you are.
Learn Regan’s methods to activate and recalibrate your system, to review your work with a sharper focus and renewed vision.
Understand Regan’s process and skill set for reviewing the draft manuscript, so far. And how best to edit, review and revise with clarity and focus.
An understanding of the processes around crafting and choosing a title for your book that will stand out on the shelves and grab the attention of your niche audience. How to discern a ‘good’ from a ‘not so good’ title.
Nearly at the finish line, and believe it or not, this is where so many would-be authors stumble. A step by step guide on how to craft and outline your conclusion. An investigation and assessment of what is a finished, polished work and what is required to complete a manuscript.
You’re there! How to manage the next phase of having a completed manuscript and the knowledge and understanding around the steps to becoming a published author.