When you activate The Intuitive Goddess Codes and choose to live into them daily, you begin to return to your natural state. Your natural state of being powerful, pure and connected. You remember that you are a born manifestor, and that there are so many gifts that are available for you to access right now. You remember that you are absolutely radiant and beautiful, and you choose to activate that beauty by embodying more light from the inside out. You move through the world with class and grace, flowing through any challenges and utilising your divine guidance at all moments. You remember that you are physic and an intuitive. You are able to fully see, fully hear, fully feel, and fully know. You utilise these gifts each and every single day to assist you in the unfoldment of your divine planetary mission on the planet right now. Your voice is powerful, and you are no longer afraid to use it, as you boldly and bravely speak your truth when necessary. Your sword of no and your loving yes are powerful tools in your toolbox. You are deeply connected to your soul. It’s most likely your most rich and nurturing relationship and every day you connect with your soul and live in alignment with your soul’s truth. You embrace the power of embellishment, and allow your goddess to be seen and received in every moment. People are drawn to you because of your natural nurturing essence. You understand the power that you have when you choose to hold people, projects, missions that are dear to your heart, and at the same time know the power of surrendering to be held. You are aware that we are all deeply connected. We are one. Any separation is an illusion. And knowing that, you remember that every time you upgrade yourself and surrender even deeper to your Intuitive Goddess, you are helping the collective of all women to rise and do the same. You understand the power of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine. You love and nurture both energies and show up daily in a way where you see both of these sacred energies in others whilst simultaneously choosing to embody the highest vibrations of these polarities.