Here’s what our amazing, dedicated soul family thinks of their recent experiences of Regan’s enlightening and illuminating programs, courses and events.
Regan’s Accomplishments
Hear From Those Who Transformed With Us

And that’s why my friends I can not just say that i am recommending this training but I trust Juan Pablo Barahona so much that I am going to this journey Myself.
I am going and I totally invite you to join us in this magical journey.
Please feel into it and let your heart guide you
Did the numbers last night and fact is, I’ve gone from struggling to now $1500 OVER what I needed to get by per month and still at the early stages in all of what ‘i’m now doing and new ideas coming to me daily to generate more!
The only thing that has changed is making the decision to do this course.
Life Changing is an understatement!
I am so incredibly grateful
All Testimonials

My dear Regan, I don’t even know how to begin to thank you… there are not enough words to describe how I feel right now after doing the Activation. You are so special and you have touched my heart at a very deep level. I have connected to every cell of my body and every vibration of my heart connected to the field around me. Please receive my gratitude and love. You are blessed and I am so happy to have found you.🤍

I was almost 200k £ but not quite, cash received 150k £. 2 months back to back now I've hit the 150k £ mark. That is new for me. It feels amazing.
Dear wonderful Regan, I wish you a magic, exciting and most beautiful 2023, may you reach millions of people with your incredible truth and life changing message. This is not a gold bundle it‘s a treasure of diamonds, during the merry season I spent hours with the courses and I have incredible breakthroughs and the days completely change to pure happiness. I already had an excellent life how could it feel so much better in such a super short time? I am able to hold Yoga poses like headstand or feathered peacock which were always challenging for me, like some blocks just melt. There‘s no way to fulfill everybody’s expectations and there is also no doubt that you and JuanPa deserve simply the best distribution platform in the world and it will come with your magical growth. Maybe that‘s the most beautiful message of all that I learned in this short time, to focus on what‘s important. I received all activations now your support team is really awesome and lovely, too. Thank you darling for your incredible beauty and presence! Just uploaded my first video, so exciting! xxx J
Right? A 7 figure business in 2 1/2 yearssss.
I'm celebrating
Celebration 🔥❤️💫🥂
Come and celebrate with me. I want to share with you family. After a month in self-sabotage, I cleared, released and re-aligned. So this week's training was divine timing for me, to go even deeper. Shifted and re-aligned, back in focus, and anchoring new in 4.4 - sent a new weave out and into manifestation. In less than 24 hours - the gifts showered over me - 115k cash in. I Just realized.... I am Already up to my revenue goal for the month by the first week of April 🔥🔥 Celebration 🔥❤️💫🥂
Your mentorship changed my life and I am so grateful 💕
Just got back to Puerto Rico! So good to be home!! Got our final year end numbers!! $702,651 cash and $1,014,219 in overall sales!! Woohoo!!
Hello fellow flames of light!
It's been a week of bedtime "self-love toolkit" activation. And I feel it has allowed me to Access the 5D and shift things in the 3D.
I feel healing on a physical level.
Last night after the activation, my music player automatically tapped into my abundance frequencies playlist and i had visions of geometries and waves...it was so beautiful!
And today I felt stronger and had 25% less pain than the day before. (Skiing accident 10 days ago- displaced ribs... Pain in the solar plexus area)
So yes! Will be repeating that activation again tonight! Thank you thank you thank you.
Ur awesome.. really grateful for guiding us and making our life wonderful ❤️ love your activations they are very powerful.
I love your activation. It's really powerful
Have just absorbed the self love activation and I found it so powerful. The words chosen and the visualisation are perfect for this moment in my life. I feel more empowered and full of a feeling of calm confidence that I am changed forever. Thank you Regan
Wow wow wow
what a profound activation. I slipped into such a tranquil state.
But the highlight for me was the heart opening activation. I have been wanting to re open my heart for such a long time. But had my guard up. You just busted through the walls I build around my heart.
Thank you so much. I felt a cool energetic breeze flow through my heart when it opened. I cannot believe this finally happened for me. I don't know how to thank you. I love you
My dear Regan, I don’t even know how to begin to thank you… there are not enough words to describe how I feel right now after doing the Activation. You are so special and you have touched my heart at a very deep level. I have connected to every cell of my body and every vibration of my heart connected to the field around me. Please receive my gratitude and love. You are blessed and I am so happy to have found you.🤍
I was almost 200k £ but not quite, cash received 150k £. 2 months back to back now I've hit the 150k £ mark. That is new for me. It feels amazing.
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